
10 day mark

so... its been about 10 days or so. i like it here. it IS odd though. Reykjavik is a lil' town. of something like 120K and then 200K if you count the outside environs. its a smaller pond than i'm used to. theres a lot of tourism, and as you all know, i deeply love the tourist industry. i would give my life to the tourism industry. you can pay for everything with credit cards here. even my little cup of coffee for 300 krona (about 2.50 CAD). there is a very strange combination of what i call 'animism' in the general populace (respect for the land, belief that it is alive, etc) and hyper consumerism. very odd. don't really understand it yet, because in my mind those 2 things are quite far apart. almost describing the 2 extremes of a large gradient. MYSTERIES!
i have 2 friends. they are hilarious. Harald and Alice. i'll try to get them to pose for the blog. they are lovely. i can't remember what i wrote for the last blog (and am too lazy to check) so if i'm being redundant, tough!
the land here is amazing. there are virtually no trees in the natural environment, and only very low grasses flowers shrubs etc. there are black rocks everywhere. they look like some giant smashed enormous boulders periodically, and this is the after math. the combination of the black rock and black stone and low vegetation gives the impression that the land recently survived some fiery cataclysm. which i guess is kind of true. i don't believe volcanoes made the land, i think it was Thor, or Loki. one of them.
i'm gonna go gallivanting up a mountain tomorrow. it is to the north of Reykjavik, and towers above everything in the landscape. which means that by tomorrow evening, i will tower over everything! bwha-hahah!


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