
Darth Vader Unicycle

i'm making pancakes in my kitchen. which is what i usually do at 930 in the evening. i'm spacing out looking through the skylight at the park across the way and the busy street. on the sidewalk, making slow careful progress, is none other than Darth Vader, complete with cape and body armor, riding a UNICYCLE. i make a quick mental note, but sure enough, i've taken my medication. as i stand baffled watching Darth precariously balance on his one wheel, slowly making his exit left, a car on Miklabraut (the busy street) brakes, and pulls up on the grass right beside Darth. they get out, camera in hand, and pose with Vader. no doubt for their profile pics on that accursed facebook. taking no longer than 20 seconds, they get back in their vehicle, drive off, and Darth exits left.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul,
    How's the temps over there??? Looks cool. 32 degrees for here tomorrow.
    Good to hear from you,

