
status report

it is december in iceland, and while i'm pretty sure it is everywhere else too, i think it is especially december in iceland. sunlight is a much sought after commodity now, showing its face only for about 5 or 6 hours and getting no higher than an angle of 10 degrees in the sky. it is perpetually the golden hour (photography term), and the color of things feels ultra-saturated when the sun is out.

some days i never fully wake up. despite getting up and running around in the outside world and getting things done. 4 strong coffees can't even seem to put a dent in it some days. kind of oppressive.

exams are done, and i now have pretty much a month off to do my own things. which is mostly music, research on Norse Myth, bouldering (form of rock climbing), and hanging out. i also just moved into a new flat right across the street from the Uni with 3 icelanders. they're all around my age, 2 girls and a guy, Anna, Salvör, and Thor. they're quite lovely, and i feel pretty settled in already.

that's pretty much all to report. living a pretty calm and routine life in reykjavik. my new address is:

Hringbraut 48
107 Reykjavik